The Anglesea riverbank offers tracks and boardwalks traversing through changing landscapes — perfect for relaxing or little adventures. Try throwing in a line from one of the fishing platforms or bridges to see what’s biting!
There is lots of activity along the river bank including the monthly Riverbank Market held on Sundays.
Facilities include Beach Wheelchair Hire.
There are three types of beach wheelchairs available to hire from the YMCA Anglesea Discovery Camp: the Sandcruiser Wheelchair, the Aussie Beach Wheelchair and the Hippocampe Children’s Wheelchair. Please call 03 5263 1512 or email between Monday and Friday to make a booking.
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Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the Great Ocean Road region the Wadawurrung, Eastern Maar & Gunditjmara. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise and respect their unique cultural heritage and the connection to their traditional lands. We commit to building genuine and lasting partnerships that recognise, embrace and support the spirit of reconciliation, working towards self-determination, equity of outcomes and an equal voice for Australia’s first people.